Ownership of Copyrights on the Bar-On Assessment Tools

Ownership of Copyrights on the Bar-On Assessment Tools

This section details the ownership of copyrights of the Bar-On assessment tools.

The Bar-On EQ-iBar-On EQ-360Bar-On EQ-interviewBar-On EQ-i:YV and the derivates of these measures were authored/co-authored by me, but the copyrights are owned by Multi-Health Systems in Toronto based on agreements signed between the parties from 1996 to 2006. In 2006, MHS bought my remaining interest in these products and all of their derivatives.

Any questions regarding the copyrights, translation, purchase and administration requirements of these instruments and their derivatives should be addressed directly to Multi-Health Systems or to their international distributors, while questions related to their theoretical foundation, development, validation and psychometric properties as well as how they have been researched and applied may be addressed to me. I continue to use these instruments for my ongoing study of various aspects of emotional-social intelligence that began in 1980.

Additionally, I will continue to publish and present my findings and use them in the services I provide. I have always been committed to the development, validation and promotion of these instruments, that I have had the pleasure to create over the years, and I will continue to extend my support of these tools so they will continue to be the most valid and reliable measures of emotional-social intelligence.

It is important to note that while the publisher, Multi-Health Systems, currently owns the copyrights on the Bar-On EI measures that I developed, they do not own the conceptual model of emotional intelligence that they assess.