Reuven Bar-On

The Website provides information on the Bar-On multi-factor model human performance, as well as the Bar-On model of emotional and social intelligence,  developed by Dr. Reuven Bar-On.

Welcome to my website, which I have created in order to tell you about myself and describe my models of human performance, as well as emotional and social intelligence, that I have developed. I describe how these models were created and how they can be used at home, school, work and in healthcare. One of the primary reasons for doing this is that I have come across, from time to time, inaccurate descriptions of me and my work. Additionally, I have received numerous requests for information about these models, what I have worked and on, and what I am currently working on.

This website provides current information about the Multifactor Model of Performance, which represents the next big paradigm shift in understanding, assessing and improving performance and in psychology in general. This goes beyond the paradigm shift ushered in by emotional intelligence; and it will have greater implications for parenting and raising the next generation, education and academic performance, occupational performance and leadership, and healthcare.

This website is intended for students, researchers and practitioners who are interested in learning more about and enhancing human behavior, performance and well-being.

This website contains information on a wide range of topics including:

  • Considerations regarding the conceptualization and measurement of EI
  • The theoretical foundations, background and development of the Bar-On EI model
  • Development and validation of the Bar-On EQ-i™ and derivative measures
  • What it means to be emotionally and socially intelligent according to the Bar-On model of emotional-social intelligence
  • A description of a number of additional concepts closely-associated with EI, and how they are measured and applied
  • Bar-On’s Multifactor Model of Performance: The next big paradigm shift beyond EI

Test your current level of performance with the Bar-On MMP™, and learn what to improve performance!

What is the Bar-On MMP™?

The MMP (Multifactor Measure of Performance™) is an innovative way to evaluate how well you are currently performing in various different areas. Based on this self-assessment, the self-development component of this interactive assessment-development program then provides valuable feedback together with suggestions to help you perform on an even higher level.

The Bar-On MMP™ was created by Dr. Reuven Bar-On, the person who created the Bar-On EQ-i™, which has become the gold standard in measuring emotional intelligence. It is important to note that the MMP™ is not a test of emotional intelligence and goes beyond EQ-assessment. It is, by far, Bar-On’s best innovation in psychological assessment yet!

How does it work?

You are asked to respond to 120 brief statements, which typically takes about 20 minutes. Your responses are automatically scored, and a summary of the results is created and emailed to you. The summary contains an in-depth analysis that maps your strengths as well as those areas that can be enhanced in order to improve your performance.

The Bar-On MMP  is based on research that has been carried out for over a period of six years. A number of other research projects are presently being carried out.

How much does it cost?

This will depend on the number of assessments being requested as well as a number of other factors. Please contact Dr. Reuven Bar-On for more information ([email protected]).

Soon you will be able to apply a number of different derivatives of the Bar-On MMP™ such as a multi-rater assessment of performance (the Bar-On MMP360™). This will be available in the near future. 

In addition to more than 50 publications, authored or co-authored by me, below are two books on emotional and social intelligence that I have co-edited: 

Educating People
The Hand Book