Services Provided by Dr. Bar-On

Dr. Bar-On offers a wide range of services including human resources (HR) and organizational development (OD) consultation. His consultancy is based in Houston Texas, and he and his colleagues provide consultation to a variety of private companies and public organizations worldwide. He is associated with HR/OD consultancies in North America, Europe and Southeast Asia from San Francisco to London and Shanghai, comprising a very large network of highly professional and very experienced consultants. This network expands the range of services Dr. Bar-On is able provide as well as his geographical reach.

The following are professional services routinely provided by Dr. Bar-On

1. Keynote addresses, lectures, seminars and workshops on the topic of emotional intelligence (EI) and closely-associated concepts. Dr. Bar-On has been delivering presentations on various aspects of EI at conferences around the world since 1996. He has also conducted and participated in a number of workshops, seminars and panel discussions related to this field. From time to time, he is also requested to conduct in-house presentations by various public and private organizations that wish to understand more about EI, its importance and how to apply it. The following are examples of EI presentations that Dr. Bar-On frequently delivers:

          “What EI is, why it is important, and how to apply it cost-effectively.”

          “The impact of EI on raising children, and how to apply it at home and school.”

          “Educating people to be emotionally and socially intelligent, and how to do it.”

          “The impact of EI on occupational performance, and how to apply it at work.”

          “The impact of EI on leadership and organizational productivity and profitability.”

          “The impact of EI on creativity and self-actualization, and how to do our best.”

          “The impact of EI on health and well-being, and how to apply it in healthcare.”

Dr. Bar-On also delivers presentations on moral competence, spiritual development, inspirational leadership, resilience, and the multifactor model of human behavior and performance – what these concepts are, why they are important, and how they are applied to enhance performance, health and well-being.

 2. Assistance in designing projects involving EI and closely-associated concepts. Based on detailed requests from prospective clients regarding their desire to apply EI, Dr. Bar-On provides consultation on how best to design and run a proposed project/study in the most effective and efficient way possible. His recommendations range from very basic guidelines (such as what type of data to collect, how much, from whom, and how to collect it) to the development of very detailed research designs. Dr. Bar-On explains to the client not only what needs to be done by whom and how, but also agrees to take a more active role in participating in research projects at times and/or analyzing the results.

3. Consultation in designing more robust leadership programs. Dr. Bar-On will help integrate EI, and other closely-associated predictors of performance, in your existing and future leadership development programs.

4. Model building (“star performer profiling”) based on EI and other predictors of human behavior and performance. Dr. Bar-On applies statistics to build models that profile star performers in organizations, which are used to hire, train and promote individuals who are expected to be high performers, satisfied with their work, increase customer/client satisfaction and, thereby, contribute to overall organizational effectiveness, productivity and profitability. Typically, EQ-i™ scores generated from a pre-intervention group assessment provides the EI data for creating these models (“star performer profiles”). Other measures of EI and closely-associated concepts are also used from time to time. The ability of these scores to predict performance ratings (made by co-workers and/or supervisors), customer/client satisfaction ratings and indicators of annual profit growth are then examined with multivariate statistics. A report is then submitted to the client, which describes the model, what it predicts exactly and how best to apply it in order to improve the organization’s ability to hire, train/coach and promote employees who are effective, increase customer/client satisfaction, are productive and contribute to annual profit growth.

The process of building and applying star performer profiles includes: (a) instructing the client how to collect which type of data; (b) analyzing the collected data and mathematically creating the models/profiles themselves; (c) instructing the client how to use the model in hiring, training, coaching and succession planning; (d) presenting the final results to your company and/or to the client; and (e) running a utility test to examine the success of the intervention one year following the implementation of the models requested. These sophisticated models of high performance are organization-specific and used primarily in selection (hiring and succession planning) and development (group training and individual coaching). Star performer profiling is vitally important, in that it represents high HR/OD standards for how organizations should work in the 21st century.

5. Consultation on the ongoing application of models (“star performer profiles”) in recruitment, hiring, and team and leadership development. A logical extension of the above-mentioned service is to offer on-going consultation on who to hire and promote by comparing the candidates’ test results with those of the “star performer profile” that was created. Dr. Bar-On makes these types of recommendations based on his availability to engage new clients.

Dr. Bar-On personally provides consultation that supports the recruitment and selection of senior executives based on star performer profiling. This is the best and most cost-effective way to find, hire and promote the right people for the job. This unique service is offered as “the author’s interpretation of EQ-i™ results for selection purposes” to help make smarter decisions in hiring senior executives. Dr. Bar-On also integrates input from additional psychometric instruments, when needed, to provide a more comprehensive and robust selection recommendation. This provides you with assessment in this specific area delivered by one of the leading international experts in EI assessment as an integral part of this service; and this will help you gain and maintain the competitive edge over your competitors. Please contact Dr. Bar-On to receive more details.

Dr. Bar-On also provides consultation on group training and individual coaching based on organization-specific models of high performance (“star performer profiling”). This service is also uniquely offered as “the author’s interpretation of EQ-i™ results for development purposes” to your HR department and/or for your clients’ in-house coaches. This is a detailed summary of what needs to be focused on in coaching from an EI perspective. Once again, Dr. Bar-On integrates input from additional psychometric instruments, when needed, to provide a more comprehensive and robust development recommendation. It will help shape the coaching process and make it more cost-effective. Please contact Dr. Bar-On to receive more details.

6. Pre- and post-intervention analyses to evaluate the success of interventions. Prior to beginning an intervention program (based on group training and/or individual coaching) designed to enhance occupational performance, leadership and/or teamwork, test scores, performance ratings, job and customer satisfaction ratings and annual profit growth indicators are collected. Subsequent to completing the intervention program, the same parameters and data are collected. Dr. Bar-On then compares the pre- and post-intervention scores, ratings and annual profit indicators for significant differences to see if positive changes were attained in order to evaluate the extent to which the intervention was successful. He then summarizes the key findings, describes the implications of these findings and how they might be used by the client.

7. Assistance in analyzing, summarizing, interpreting and publishing the results from projects that have applied EI and closely-associated concepts. Dr. Bar-On provides assistance in analyzing the results, summarizing and interpreting the key findings and/or publishing the outcome of projects and studies that examine the impact of EI and closely-associated concepts on behavior and performance including the effects of performance-enhancing interventions. This input is typically acknowledged as follows: “Dr. Reuven Bar-On reviewed the findings of this project, and these are what his conclusions are …” He not only offers his assistance in how to present and publish results from these types of studies, but Dr. Bar-On is also prepared to take a more active role in analyzing, summarizing and publishing the findings. Please contact Dr. Bar-On for additional details.

8. Acting position of “Senior EI Advisor” for select organizations. Dr. Bar-On will consider receiving an adjunct position as senior advisor on the application of EI and closely-associated concepts, upon request from select organizations and dependent upon his availability. Please contact Dr. Bar-On for additional details.

The importance and value of Dr. Bar-On’s services

Dr. Bar-On’s services are designed to upgrade leadership and teamwork, to turn around underperforming organizations that are not meeting their potential. Clients rely on these services to pinpoint the key reasons for leadership and team underperformance and to develop solutions that are specifically tailored to their organizations and particular problems, which improve pivotal management, leadership competencies and the organization’s bottom-line. The Best Practice Institute recommends these services as “best practice in leadership assessment” and has circulated this recommendation to its 50,000 individual and organizational members worldwide as “the approach of choice in applying EI in selection, training and coaching.”

Can corporate or government organizations afford to avoid addressing leadership and organizational problems? The cost of doing nothing is an inadequate leadership team, lack of focused direction, disengaged staff, low employee satisfaction, high turnover, loss of top talent, slowness in getting to market, poor traction in the market, and unsatisfactory ROI.

With the Dr. Bar-On’s approach, and depending on the client’s specific needs, he and his associates are able to impact organizational productivity, profitability and ROI. This approach maximizes the impact of EI, and other closely-associated concepts, on overall organizational effectiveness and the company’s bottom-line.

Dr. Bar-On has empirical as well as anecdotal evidence that demonstrates that his approach is effective, and will share this information with you upon request to show that his approach does what it promises to do. Additionally, he also has a number of references to publications demonstrating the cost-effectiveness of applying his approach in organizations and its effect on ROI.

Please contact Dr. Bar-On for more details ([email protected]).